Our Vision
Our Mission
Our Objectives
About Abstract Arts Club
The club was established on 26th January, 2016 as ABSTRACT PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB, latterly as we had good coordination we were provided the opportunity to include few more extra-curricular activities to our club as painting, sketching, literature, rangoli etc. & the club got renamed as ABSTRACT ARTS CLUB.
We have organized various events at our Institute and also represented it in many competitions.
Faculty Coordinator- Prof. Mayur M. Maske (mayur.maske@ritindia.edu, 9890711139)
Student Coordinator- Mr. Jignesh Pawar (jigneshpawar45@gmail.com, 7972762129)
Student Coordinator- Ms. Aditi Patil (aditipatil7100@gmail.com )
Our Initiatives
Our E- footprint
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/artsclubrit
Instagram Link: https://www.instagram.com/abstract_arts_club_rit
Our Aspirations
Annual Report 2023-24
ViewAnnual Report 2019-20
Abstract arts club had organized this competition on the occasion of Ganesh Festival. The event took place between 23rd August 2020 to 8 th September 2020 on facebook page of ABSTRACT ARTS CLUB. Number of students participated in this competition and posted their clicks related to the ganesh festival on the instagram page. The winners of this competition were declared on the instagram page itself and the winners were • First Prize - Pritam Rote. • Second Prize – Prasanna Pailwan. • Third Prize - Kailash Patil.
Art Carnival 2020?
Club Members with faculty coordinator Prof. Mayur Maske
Active members of Abstract Arts Club
Art Carnival 2019 and Workshops
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Club members with Pratibimb foundation (Sangli)
Exhibition Report
Abstract Arts club had arranged an arts exhibition on 31st August 2017 at Yash Cafeteria.The exhibition was inaugurated by Dr.S.M.Sawant (Dean students development) and Prof.Manisha Jagtap (Cultural head). In this exhibition a number of students from various classes participated exhibiting their art work. There were many feedback and suggestion received from the participants and the audience. Also the blog of Abstract Arts Club is inaugarted with the prestigious hands of Dr SM Sawant in presence of Prof.Manisha Jagtap and all the club members.
Vighanaharta Online Photography Competition
Abstract arts club had organized this competition on the occasion of Ganesh Festival. The event took place between 25th August 2017 to 4th September 2017 on facebook page of ABSTRACT ARTS CLUB. Number of students participated in this competition and posted their clicks related to the ganesh festival on the facebook page. The winners of this competition were declared on the facebook page itself and the winners were
1st Prachit Shah (SY)
2nd Ketan Sanap (FY)
3rd Sagar Mane (SY)
Abstract Arts Club’s Arts Carnival was held on 26th January, 2018. It is an annual event. The inauguration was done by Mr S.K. Patil and Mr. P.M. Mohite . Previously it was only a photography exhibition but this year photography comptetion, Painting and sketching sale cum exhibition also took place. The event was a great success and the best event of all organized by the Arts club. Students from Pune, Satara, Ichalkaranji, Sangli, Kolhapur and Islampur participated in the event. The total count of participants was 65. Lots of positive feedbacks were received from the participants. Also we went through the places where improvement is required so that we can overcome it in the next event.
Caricature and Cartooning Workshop
Abstract arts club had arranged this workshop for art enthusiasts. The workshop was conducted by Mr.Niraj Sabnis on 10th March 2018. Mr.Niraj Sabnis had won many prizes in many state competitions. Participants got an opportunity to enhance their skills through this workshop. It was the first time that such type of workshop had arranged in our college.
Weekly Activities
Recently, Abstract arts club took an initiative for art enthusiasts in our college under which students are exploring art through the process of group learning. Club is conducting two activities every week one for Photography and other for Painting and Sketching. These activities are conducted on Monday and Wednesday of every week with the name ‘Monday Exposure’ and ‘Artistic Wednesday’ respectively. These activities took place between 28th February to 2nd April for this semester
28 Feb 2018 – Basic theory of colors & paintings (Artistic Wednesday)
5 March 2018 – Introduction to photography (Monday Exposure)
7 March 2018 – Shading Techniques (Artistic Wednesday)
12 March 2018 – Getting Started with DSLR (Hands On)(Monday Exposure)
14 March 2018 – Proportional Sketching (Artistic Wednesday)
26 March 2018 – Phonography (Monday Exposure)
28 March 2018 – Warli Painting (Artistic Wednesday)
2 April 2018 – Phone Photography (Monday Exposure)