Choice based three track project system choice based curriculum of the institute. Three Track Project choice is offered for final year B. Tech and S. Y. MBA. This three track project system includes Industry Internship and Project (IIP), Undergraduate Research Experience (URE) and Entrepreneurship Development (ED).
- Being an autonomous institute, Rajarambapu Institute of technology (RIT), Rajaramnagar decided to start choice based project system (previously known as four tracks of projects and now three tracks of project as Capstone Project is made compulsory w.e.f. 2020-21) for final year engineering students from the year 2017-18 to develop them globally competent.
- Priority & Thrust of Three tracks is to achieve Institute vision of socially responsible professionals through Academics.
- It was developed through Brainstorming with faculty, Students and Stakeholders through different platforms.
- During Brainstorming the outcome from any engineering graduate was expected as Placement, Higher studies, Research and Entrepreneurship and based on this input the tracks were designed in 8th semester for 21 weeks.
- As per this system student can opt one choice from following by their choice as; Industry Internship & Projects (IIP), Undergraduate Research Experience (URE), Entrepreneurship Development (ED).
Students Guideline
- A session on introduction to three track project system and its implementation is organized every year.
- Track choices of all the students is taken by respective departments. Students are required to give the preferences based on their interest and future plan.
- IIP track will be allotted to those students who will the give first choice to the same.
- Students, who wish to opt URE track, need to appear interview which will be conducted by respective department. Based on interview performance, department will take a decision regarding URE track allotment. If student fails to opt URE track, his/her next choice will be considered for allotment.
- Students, who wish to opt ED track, need to appear interview which will be conducted centrally by CIIED cell. Based on interview performance, Head of CIIED cell will take a decision regarding ED track allotment. If student fails to opt ED track, his/her next choice will be considered for allotment.
- If student has given first choice to URE and second to ED (or) first choice to ED and second to URE, he or she needs to appear both interviews which will be conducted for URE and ED track allotment. Final decision on allotment of such students will be based on interview performance and student’s preference. If these students fail to opt URE or ED track, they will be allotted to IIP track.
Industry Internship & Project (IIP)

Internship is designed to expand the depth and breadth of academic learning of students in their particular areas of study. It is an opportunity for students to receive experience in applying theories learned in the classroom to specific experiences in the community and work world. During this Internship it is expected that students should identify the problems arising in the industry related to Engineering and they have to give the solution to the company. Students are expected to do internship for 20 weeks.

For the engineering technology students, research experiences allow them to carry out in-depth study of engineering concepts, while emphasizing hands-on experiences and practical applications. Participating in research projects strengthens the student’s resume, and fulfills the requirements of present day employers, who demand sound engineering skills in their employees

Under Entrepreneurship Development track students can develop and apply an entrepreneurial way of thinking that will allow them to identify and create business opportunities that may be commercialized successfully.